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Talking with Kazuki Kitade

So, our incomer from SCOPE shared with us about his exchange experience in Indonesia. His name is Kazuki Kitade from Japan, he entered Internal medicine in M.djamil hospital. Now he is fourth year student in Saga University. But his hometown is Fukuoka. He was excited when did clinical exchange in here. Got unique cultural shock and new friendly friends.

Ske - Kazuki - Shofi

Some facts about Kazuki Kitade :
1. When he arrived in Padang, he shocked with traffic in here but wondered and happy because everybody that he met in here always greet him, like say "Hii !"
2. All Indonesian food that he ate in here are so much sugar, he told us "I will get diabetic" XD
3. Having clinical exchange in here is very challenging, because he can do physical examination, took the blood to patient as clerkship. Because in Japan, He maynot do like this until you get license as physician.
4. He said that Padang is very hot, almost beating the temperature in Japan when Summer.
5. He likes randang and bakso
6. Some Indonesian words that he knows, such as : apa, apa ya, terima kasih, ujan labek,  belum kawin (He knew from Japanese-Bahasa dictionary to interpret 'single', and He used 'belum kawin'  to tell about his status in welcoming party, of course everybody got laugh ), belum nikah (one of SCOPE member told him about difference between kawin and nikah, then he lil surprise for the meaning and shy) . LOL
7. Talking about disease, in Japan the top disease are cancer, AIDS, and hepatitis, meanwhile in Padang, top disease are diabetes and dengue fever.
8. He likes drink 'sake' or beer, but he hates smoking.
9. He already has girlfriend (keep calm girls)
10. He likes reading 'manga' and playing video games (that's humane)
11. In Japan, He actives as speaker, motivator in team building, and he ever being as exchange organizer, seems like LEO in SCOPE.

To see him, just click this :)

nb.this post is just for intermezzo, sorry for all misstaken :D

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